Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What everyone should know about our fellow citizens of the world.

This is a self-scoring test. At the end of the exam, you will find instructions on how to grade it.

Multiple Choice.
1. In which of these countries to mothers show incredible love to their children?
A. Nigeria
B. Ecuador
C. Canada
D. United States
E. All of the above.

2. In which of these countries do parents desire a great education for their children?
A. Ireland
B. Azerbaijan
C. New Zealand
D. Iran
E. All of the above.

3. In which of these countries do many of its citizens believe in a supreme being?
A. United States
B. Iraq
C. Afghanistan
D. Armenia
E. All of the above.

4. Which of these countries have a problem with corruption?
A. Mexico
B. Nigeria
C. Nicaragua
D. China
E. All of the above.

5. In which country is it illegal to be a Christian?
A. Northern Ireland
B. Azerbaijan
C. Armenia
D. Bosnia-Herzegovina
E. None of the above.

6. In which country can its citizens receive free or very inexpensive healthcare?
A. France
B. Canada
C. Russia
D. China
E. All of the above.

7. Which country's main religion discourage stealing and killing?
A. Iran
B. Mexico
C. Israel
D. Palestine
E. All of the above.

8. Which of these countries has the world's highest percentage of its citizens in prison?
A. Cuba
B. Russia
C. Turkey
D. Iran
E. None of the above.

9. In which of these countries will you find festive wedding  ceremonies?
A. Turkey
B. Armenia
C. United States
D. Iraq
E. All of the above.

10. In which of these countries is there a severe hunger problem among its poorest children?
A. United States
B. The Sudan
C. Somalia
D. India
E. All of the above.

11. The marketing of human beings is still going on in:
A. Armenia
B. Thailand
C. Japan
D. United States
E. All of the above.

12. In which country do most of its citizens hate America because of its freedom?
A. Iraq
B. Cuba
C. Iran
D. Afghanastan
E. None of the above.

13. In which country is a mother likely to give her own life to save the life of her child?
A. Canada
B. United States
C. Russia
D. Honduras
E. All of the above.

14. In which country do fathers encourage their children to work hard and support their family?
A. Poland
B. Palestine
C. Pakistan
D. Egypt
E. All of the above.

15. In which country do young people love rock and roll and hip hop music?
A. Cuba
B. Serbia
C. Japan
D. Malawi
E. All of the above.

16. In which country will its average citizens invite visiting Americans into their homes?
A. Cuba
B. South Africa
C. Russia
D. Mexico
E. All of the above.

17. In which of these countries do mothers weep when their sons do not return from battle?
A. Vietnam
B. Libya
C. Israel
D. Palestine
E. All of the above.

18. In which of these countries do children come into this world without any hate in their hearts?
A. United States
B. Iraq
C. Palestine
D. El Salvador
E. All of the above.

19. Which of these countries forbid American tourists from visiting there?
A. Cuba
B. Nicaragua
C. Russia
D. Azerbaijan
E. None of the above.

20. Which country can you visit and be 100% assured that people will welcome you with open arms --- even if they know that you're an American?
A. Cuba
B. Vietnam
C. Equador
D. Nigeria
E. All of the above.

Check your answers before you grade your exam. You may have the feeling that there's a pattern to the answers. I encourage you to follow your instinct.

Question     Answer
   1                 E
   2                 E
   3                 E
   4                 E
   5                 E
   6                 E
   7                 E
   8                 E (The United States is the world leader in this category)
   9                 E
  10                E
  11                E
  12                E
  13                E
  14                E
  15                E
  16                E
  17                E
  18                E
  19                E
  20                E

How did you do?
If you scored 20, you're either well-informed, well-educated or very good at taking tests.
If you scored 15-19, you may need to do a little bit more reading about other countries.
If you scored 10-14, you should do some homework before you get in a conversation with people.
If you scored 5-10, you should seriously consider changing the TV news channel you watch.
If you scored under 5, you should get your vision checked or you should sign up for classes at the local community college.
 Please leave a comment and let us know how you did on the test. If you question any of the answers, please do some original research --- or consider visiting the country in question and learning first-hand.